How To Install Preware on the HP Touchpad

What is Preware? Preware is a utility you can install to your HP Touchpad that allows for the installation homebrew apps and tweaks to your Touchpad.

The information below is for educational purposes only.

To Install Preware
1. Make sure Touchpad is connected to your computer(Do not click USB mode).

2. On HP Touchpad, turn on “Developer Mode”
—-Where it says “Just Type…” type “webos20090606”.
—-The click on “Developer Mode”

***If it asks you for a password leave blank and just click “Submit”

3. Download webOS Quick Install onto your PC here:

4. Run this file and click the little Globe Icon that is on the application to bring up a listing of Apps

** It may prompt you to download “novacom” drivers, this is fine.

5. Search for Preware and click Install.(Note: The apps will install to your Touchpad, not your PC)

6. Restart your Touchpad and Preware will now be in your Download section ready to run!

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